
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Sunday, March 30, 2008


Dear friends,
I'm so sorry that you all have t suffer and listen t me rant\get snapped at by me\me being so mean and rude t you all, when I'm angry.

A thousand apologies, really.

I'm so sorry you all have t tahan this kind of crap from me when I'm angry.
Really sorry, I know I've a really shit short temper, and please whenever I snap at you all or what, just ignore me cause I'm just being an asshole.

I really apologise if I've said anything mean\hurting t you, I really don't mean it.
I know it's a lousy excuse that I'm angry, but so sorry :\
So really thankyou for being my friends cause you all are always there for me no matter what, thankyou :)


Congratulations t all the winners for Njcc, cause you all are really fast, you all deserve it la huh.
Hahaha :D
Super pro people, I envy you all.
Anyway, I need anger management.
I hate it that I get angry so easily and take it out on people, so please ignore me when I'm angry I'm just being a bitch.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Dear whoever.

Sorry, I've just got t post him up.
I need him t distract me from my anger.

Dearest Hankyung (husband),
Please fly down t Macritchie Reservoir tomorrow and Sunday cause your wives (Connie and Hazel) are having NJCC and miss you deep deep.
I hate being a substitute, it sucks being a backup D:

Okay whatever, if you asked Hankyung t come down t support me, I'll win a gold.
I don't like Jerry, cause he's a bloody barka.
& yeah, thankyou for having such little faith in us.
You really spoil my day.

I shall resort t looking at our husband.
& U in chinese is so funny siol.
Roflmao :D
They're so cute, hah.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Wahlao, I smack the A'st1 left, right, up and down then they know siol.
How dare they threaten t overthrow Super Junior.

What the hell.

Don't they dare overthrow my husband\fiance\boyf\bestf.
& btw, they aren't even cute.

Barka la.
Hankyung :D
Our (Hazel and I) husband's the torch bearer for the Beijing Olympics.
& he cut his hair, omg G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S.
*Sorry sidetrack a bit.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy birthday.

Happy Nineteenth Miss Jeanette :D

Team breakfast cum Miss Jeanette's birthday celebration.
Thank God we had enough food and everyone enjoyed themselves :)
Okay, I'll rip pictures from Joanne and Hazel. (Ps, I'm too poor t afford a camera)

Jeanette cutting cake :)
The cake was super choclate, hohoho.
We've great taste huh :D
Yours truly being unglam.
I ate the remaining tuna in the can, proteins!
Omg, you know how much I ate today?
I ate like no one's business, I bet I added on like 2 or 3kg.
Team oh eight.
Don't we look cute.
Of course la, I'm inside mah.
Btw, I look super fat in the photo.
Right, tuna on a whole hard boiled egg is nice :)
Oh, and jam too.
Yummmmy :D
Hankyung, where are you? D:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Archie and Jughead.

I think.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Go fry kite.


My brain's going t fry.
Okay, and so are my eyes.

It has been long since I did some 'hardcore' studying.
Went t Macs by myself (I'm such a loner) t study after tuition just know.
It's kind of weird okay, like one person alone.
Okay la, not so many people there so not so embarrassing.

I managed t do\study:
1. English compre.
2. Rate of reactions and SAP exercise.
3. 3/4 of natural vegetation.
Within a short span of let's say, 3-4 hours?
Okay, so I am super slow.

Okay, not really accomplishment, but it's only just the beginning so it's oo-kay lur.
Okay, so I added very much weight thanks t Macdonalds.
& guess what? I was on the verge of falling asleep just now cause my eyes were so tired and my brain was like floating in some other dimension or something.
I just need a break man, omgz.
Hahahaha, right, break.
I shall resume studying at 9pm, and finish of the 1/4 left for geography.
Cheeeeken, I feel like watching full house.
I MUST CONTROL, roflmao.

Omg, brain frying at 5344521424521 degrees D:
Quick quick! I need ice reaaaaaally badly.
Right, I'm being a lamo.
Maybe cause my brain has been fried.

Hohoho, I shall go relac-ing now.

What not.

I hate people who are sympathetic.

You know, there's a huge difference between sympathising(?) with a person and empathising(?) with them.
Being sympathetic towards a person generally means, you pity the person. Which sucks cause the person so doesn't need your pity, and it's a joke cause you don't understand what the person is feeling.
Being empathetic towards a person generally means that you place yourself in the person's shoes, and actually understand what they are feeling and why.
I think that everyone lacks empathy, I think I too lack empathy.
& in my opinion, I know what is it like t be sympathised by people.
You know what I feel like people with are sympathetic towards me?
Well, I feel like asking them t shut up cause they don't understand a freaking thing.
Poor me, I've a coach just like that, and I think I've team mates who're like that too.
My coach shows me sympathy, added with a qiao bu qi wo de yang zi when I can't paddle as fast as others.
I'm so sorry I'm not a fast rower, well, kill me then.

Dear people,
Sorry that I was acting like some bitch just now with my shit temper.
I'm sorry if I snapped at you or whatever, my apologies.
& sorry Veronica that we didn't go as fast, I'm sorry I pulled you down.
& also I would like t add that I don't need people t sympathise with me, I don't need your pity.
Try putting yourself in my shoes, maybe you'll understand why I get so pissed during trainings.
Oh, and seriously I think anger management courses cause I really wanted t punch Jerry and John in their faces, and also slap many other people. (No offence)
I hate competitions cause when I lose, people will only sympathise with me.
Oh, and sometimes I really hate the team and trainings.
Sometimes, I really feel like making someone end up in the hospital.
I've got serious issues.

So, seriously.
If I get sympathy the next time I'm sad\disappointed\pissed, I guess I will most probably just slap you real hard till you forgot your own name.
Sorry, I'm this short tempered and this bitchy.

Friday, March 21, 2008


'For God so loved the world
He sent His only son
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish
but have eternal life'
John 3:16

It's Good Friday today, praise the Lord :)
I thank God that He sent Jesus t die on the cross for us so that we're free of sins.
He died so that we need not pay the price of our transgressions, and He rises on Easter Sunday, cool huh? :D
Oh, and I think I added one kg or something, cause I just ate a humongous blackforest cake D:
Shiat man, what t do? I'm ballooning into a buffalo D:

Okay, I just took the DISC test.
& guess what? I changed so much since secondary one.
From thriple I's, I became SCS.
Omg, hahahaha.
That is way cool.
& my greatest free is criticism, rejection and loss of security.
Hahahaha, unique.

I'm going mad because of his Beijing accent, so ah-dorable.
Blard-ee hell, I think he's damn gorgeous.
(Smacks oneself t wake up)
Do your work Connie, wakey wakey.

HAHAHA, kay whatever.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


OMG, I think I'm going stark-ravin' mad :)
Sorry, sorry, sorry!
You see, looking at our dearests are just stress relievers :D
& You welcome Joanne for allowing Hazel and I t influence you :D

Hazel and my husband :)
We got married on 18th March 2008, see newly weds :D
& I think he's super cute and and I think his pelvic thrusts are sexy.
& his dance is so nice, omg.

Hazel, Joanne and my fiance :D
Like holllllllla! He has such a killer smile, cheeeeeese.
He can make you melt, esp the gun part :D
Melt, melt, meltz.

He's three of our boyfs yeah.
Hahahaha :D
& He's so ah-dorable, he has vampire teeth-y :D
& he does backflips which are so funny!
Hahahaha! :D

My boyf la huh, upgrade already :D
He's so cute la okay, so ah-dorable also.
& his hair is like omg, whoohoo! :D
Yes! & his pelvic thrust in Don't Don also so sexy yeah!

Okay, I've saved the best for the last.
A confirm kewl sight, roflmao.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Let's speak english.

Let's speak english, what is this?

This is a girl trying t do all her homework, and study for her damn geography test.

Right, I'm being barka(?), sorry sorry sorraye! (Hahaha, get it?)
Nice weather nice weather.
My name is Connie, oh you're somebody.
Nice t meet you, you're so gorgeous.
You say you're not? Come on man.
Well, you look like a something.
You look like a Nicholas Cage!


P.s, the words in italic are super hilarious if you get what I mean.
Sorry, I'm superly desperate in watching stress relievers.
P.p.s if you want stress reliever go watch Super Junior Full House :)
It's super stress relieving :D

Bah, you're such a chee ko pek.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fuzzie wuzzies.


I totally forgot about E maths, shit D:
& geography is totally killing me, cause there's so much information t memorise.

I simply don't know what t type.
My life's such a bore.

Okay, I know.
10 'interesting' facts about yours truly.

1. Connie Ho is a boring chap.
2. She loves to watch tv many many.
3. She thinks surgeons are cool cause you can handle bloody stuff.
4. She's keen on learning korean and japanese.
5. She envies people who are slim.
6. She thinks that some people are like little girls trying t fit into a grown woman's world, and it's so not working.
7. She feels that natural beauty is the best.
8. She has mood swings that are sometimes quite terrible.
9. She has a really short temper.
10. She believes that God Almighty is her dearest :)

There, 'interesting' facts.
Sorry, I don't know what t write and I realised there's only 2 more months t midyears.
What the heck, got t study like some mad hag.

Oh and I'm quite pissed really.
I think it's super unfair that you people just chuck us into K2 500m just like that.
Like hello, have you seen our 500m?
It's slower than a snail. (not that slow, but still.)
I really don't know what you stinkin' people want t do t us, maybe you want t expose us t more competition t like maybe boost our experiences.
Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather drop dead than do k2 500m.
Doing k2 500m makes me freakin' demoralised thank you very much.
& my partner is sick, if you people haven't noticed, and she can't train (she's sick, duh.)
& ps dear person, SHE GOT ASTHMA.
ASTHMA you friggin' eejit.
You think asthma's able t clear up in 2 weeks? ohmytianzx.
It stays with you for life. (sorta)
So please, don't jump into conclusions and I believe we know ourselves better than you know us.
Girls have many layers, and we're girls, with many sides.
So dear persons, don't get me pissed cause one day I'll explode and scream some obscenities in your face.

Annyeonghi g yeseyo.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The wonders of manufacturing.

My life is so miserable and boring.
I've no idea what t blog about, hah.

Okay, besides the fact that I've tons of homework and many tests when school reopens, I've nothing t do.
& I really really want t watch finish full house, cause it's really really funny. But it'll really really take up my time and I really really hope Oreos are gone right now.

Thus, I shall end my post here cause geography is really really getting on my nerves, and I really really have t study.

Until the day I get t see my boyfs, I really really am going t be frowning.

What the heck, I don't know what I'm talking about, tsk.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Candy coated world of calculus.

Well well, I'm surprised I'm alive and kicking after the dreadful Amaths camp from 12th february 10am t 13th february 10am.

We were forced t watch the marvellous video called:


P.s, it's a superb video by the Standard Deviants.
I strongly encourage you t watch the marvellous video on calculus if you can't seem t sleep at night.
I can guarantee you that within 5 mins, you'll be asleep.

Right, one more time I hear the word derivative(?), I'll prolly go nuts.

Quite fun actually, that's because we were with our class people. & everyone seems t love the toilet roll chilled. Someone actually put the toilet roll in the freezer, and when Xuefang took it out the next morning, we had t defrost it cause it had little icicles. (omg.)
& I think I grew fatter cause I kept eating like 24/7 D:

We bathed in in twelve plus one in the morning and like guess what we saw in the bedroom?
Churen and Zhuangqi huddled up together in the bed with the covers wrapped around themselves, and they were sleeping!
Ohmygosh, such gayness I tell you, like omg.

Did study cards from 4.30am t 7.00am, btw we watched The candy coated world of calculus from 10pm t 12am after which we had t do mindmaps on the show and present them t the class.
Okay, and everyone started falling asleep at around 7 plus cause Mr Tan wasn't awake.
I managed t nap for 50 mins before waking up, and we had t continue our lessons.

Righty-o, worse was that we had t go for geography lessons.

Went t look for our team jackets and jersey.
Omg, can't wait and I'm super excited cause I think it'll turn out super nice :D
Uniquelyzxz Temasekxzzx

Oh, and I was suppose t go tutition at like 7.45 so I decided t sleep for awhile before I went for tuition.
& guess what?
I woke up and realised that I had t go for tuition and when I looked at the time, it was 5am.
Right, wonder if I had lost weight since I slept so much.

Omg, I want t watch Full House, but I've t do my work :\


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Faint and fly?

Righty-o people.
I'm mighty pleased with myself for adding a background t my blog :)
Okay, so sec fours had land training early in the morning and we only did weights, like hurray :D
My skin tore and it was so damn raw :\
After which lunched with Hazel and Joanne at Bedok food centre and we went back t help out with the canoeing workshop.

(I shan't elaborate cause I'm too lazy and tired.)

Find eggs -> Photograph -> Talk -> Slack -> Punishment -> 'Pole dance'.

I give up on geog workbook, piss me off D:
Right, Don't Don and Purple Line are stuck in my head.
A maths camp tomorrow, and I'm so tired.


Hankyung and Sungmin's pelvic thrusts are like super sexy, makes me meltzzzzzz :D
Roflmao, this is the don't know how many times I said it today alr.

As I've promised, stress relievers up :)

A super ultra retarded imitation of hey! say! JUMP.
Enjoy :D

Monday, March 10, 2008


Training was j'abhor.
King was in a super foul mood and he kept ranting away.
& we did the raising thingammy for like over an hour plus plus and didn't get t go down :\
I'm so growing fatter like that D:
Anyway, I am super fascinated by Sungmin's new haircut.
The one that he shaved half his head, and his other half is blond :D


& Hankyung is superrrrrrrrrrrr cute :D
Right Hazel? HAHAHAHAH!

Pelvic thrusts! (I sound sick, ahwell.)
Pelvis thrust by Sungmin and Eunhyuk

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Speedlight Salvation Sunday! :D

I thank God everything went well even though my switching got a bit screwed :)
Praise the Lord, many people went up for altar call today.
And the testimonies were really touching and all.
Hooooray :D
Lunched with cell and Leon's friend :)
Oh and my blisters are like super pain, I can't hold and clench my hands properly.
& there's training tomorrow, oh my tian :\

il i sam sa o yuk! :D

(Clap clap)

What an achievement.
All right, must go do work D:

Damsel in distress is quite submissive
Look how somber my vanity is
A feminine human creature
Superficial, seducing detour
I'm going to the mall for the cookie cutter
The ugly duckling will always suffer
Contaminated standards,
I try to fight it
I better get back on my diet

Yummy, Purple Line is super addictive :)

Friday, March 7, 2008


Tell me dance by super junior :D

Super hilarious I tell you, HAHAHAHA.
I can't stop laughing, super duper funnaye :)
& I absolutely love the sexy dance video :D
Super hotttttttttttttttttttttt :D

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Big dreams.

Jeongmal babo saranggiya jeongmal babo sarangiya
Nan neobakke molla neoman saranghae
Geurae babo gateun sarangiya

Babo Sarang
Lee Jun Ki.

I've got big dreams, huge more like it.
Connie Ho wants t have her own teevee station and her own talent agency :)
My my, let's see if she'll achieve that shall we? :D

last day of school and the beginning of 24/7 of studying during the March holidays.
Somehow this doesn't feel like a holiday.
I'm stocked up with trainings, classes and all the crap that I'll get from school D:


It's a miracle that I've gotten what I've got for this term :)
I hope I'll be able t sustain throughout till O levels.

Dear Divyaaaaaa,
don't be sad! we're here supporting you, it's only the start of the term.
Don't worry, continue t work hard okay, we're with you all the way! :)
Love you deep deep <3
& congratulations Joanne for an A2 in your higher cheena :D
Okay, I shall go self entertain now, sorraye.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Singing in the rain.



1st March 2008 holds the significance of how we, the BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS, not to mention, the THICKSKINNED, canoeists survived through the absolutely skin-chilling, mental straining, butt-freezing ordeal of staying in the rain :D

Clap, clap, clap. (Pulls the poppy thingammy.)

Took with Shanying today cause Thong didn't come today.
Not bad, counting that Shannie was superduper scared of the water :D
& I have never seen such huge waves in my entire life! (Except in Kallang where the waves are at least 50m tall! kidding.)
The water was shikidahyuieyryuid choopy that it could've chopped people up t pieces.
We were on our way out t the 500m mark when suddenly the siren sounded, so we happily paddled back.
Boy oh boy, we couldn't move from our turning position cause the waves were hitting us sideways D:
Ah yah, as you know we got back on shore and waited for the storm t pass.
Did hand exercises and the wind froze my butt please and thankyou, bet it turned blue almost immediately. (My fbts was red, what a contrast like you know blue and red, hawwww.)
I mean seriously, it was frolicking sheepily cold D:
& we had t do 4x500m after that when the rain 'stopped'.
There was still mao mao yu okay!
I shall thereby emphasize that it was FREEZING COLD.

Don't cry Joanne! Don't give up! Cause we're supporting you all the way! :D
Love you deep deep la xiaojie :D

Oh, and Tpjc and Kc people are nice people :D
They helped us carry our paddles and boats, thank you very much! :)

Oh oh! & I saw this guy who was sinking in his T2 :D
Hahaha, it was so funny! His body was already halfway submerged in the water and his boat disappeared and he was still paddling.
HAHAHA, just like Hazel's.
Ohmygosh, so funny! :D
Btw, Hazel sank, hahahah, I think.

& Jelly and his friend, Weiqiang (cockroach) capped!
HAHAHA, now that was hilarious.
You see, Jelly was adjusting his seat, trying t act pro mah so they never go hold on t any other boat.
Then halfway suddenly KABOOSH, byebye.
HAHAHAHA, then Jelly screamed in a supersuper high pitched voice "WEIQIAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG!"
HAHAHAHAHA, I laughed like a kuku malu :D

Right, I keep sneezing now.
Thanks ah Jelly, eeeeeejit D:

Anyway, photos up for the Dim Sum Dollies.
Got them from Joanne :D
Miss Banana and I :D
See how skinny she is compared t me?
Life's unfair D:
My fellow dead duckies :D
Love you all :)
The few of us :D
Nice hor, and omg my legs look so slim! :o
Shit man.