
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Monday, June 30, 2008


Hallejuah! :D
God's the best la kay, and He's my daddy :)
I really really thank God for like answering my prayers for the chinese oral today.
He guided me through both the sections and I think I did okay :D
Thankyou vvvvvvv much.
& He really gave me an extra boost of strength during training today. (I prayed for it too)
& I'm a happy kid cause our timing dropped till ___!
Thankyou really v much!

I can't express how much the Lord has done for me, and how much He has blessed me.
I know that for whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. (Psalms 56:3)
It's true la k, if not I won't be able t guo oral zhe yi ge guan.

Oh, and I believe prayers work miracles.
& that God will bless us if we really deserve what we ask for.
So, I shall be like praying really hard that He'll bless us with the B and C girls' titles this year, and that we'll all have medals, to do Him proud :)

So, it's like 8 days t Nationals.
So everybody jiayou and have faith in God.
Cause faith the size of a mustard seed does really big miracles ;)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

O mona

Speedlighttttttttt :D
Cell was non-existent today cause Laoma got leaders' meet ):
'Studied' with Serene, Sheryl and Patrina at macs, well I was practising my chinese for tomorrow's dreaded oral exam.
I'm really scared that I will be too nervous t talk k.
But I shall trust the Lord t bring me through and get a distinction.

Anyway, cam one-ed today :)
I finally got the chance t use the camera onstage, it was a pretty new experience with the view up there.
And and and, guess what?
Jerrold came back t church today! :D
I'm a happy happy kiddddddddddddddd, I hope he'll like stay and not MIA again.

Oh, and Chng is so like gay.
Here's the conversation in the video room.

Chng: Aye Connie, you got the tanline. (gestures towards my sleevless shirt)
Me: Yeah la, it's like so ugly, black and white.
Chng: I also have! (pulls his shirt off his shoulder)
Chng: See see.
Me: It looks like you'vre been wearing a bra la k.
Me: I so need t tan please.
Chng: I also, I go tan with you!
Me: Omg, no way.
Chng: Oooo, I've gotta get a tannnn.
Chng: (gushes) Oh, and I got this tan line cause when I went tanning I didn't want t take my bra off, so I wore my bra and tanned, so look at it now. (proceeds t do the really gay hand action)
Emerald and I: Omg! Leon, you're so gay.
Nathaniel: HAHAHA.
Emerald: Leon has discovered his inner Ah gua, no wait inner girl.
Emerald: The body of a guy with a girl trapped inside.
Chng: I was born t be a girl.
All of us: Omg, HAHAHAHA.

It was omo funny shit, we kept laughing and laughing.
Ah yah Chng, you can go join unit 302 in the army already.
Kayzzz, I've t go like practice my chinese now.
Zai jian, ai ni wozzzzzzz.

Friday, June 27, 2008

When the headlines scream shit

Training was omo shit.
The sets were utterly devastating, I died in the middle of all the sets siol.
Well, at least there is no training tomorrow morning.
They figured we were suffering from burnouts D:

Kay, I grew by 1 cm! :D
So I'm like 168.5 cm now, hohoho.
But I'm still a fat shit weighing, xxkg luh.

Oh, by the way have I ever mentioned that I like girl-bands too?
Roflmao, very rare though.

Wonder Girls.

So Hot by Wonder Girls.
I really admire girls who can rap, they like so freaking coolzzzzz.
I'm going t aim t be like the director of SM Entertainment, hohoho :D

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boring kid

Social studies sucks.
Omo, who cares about the rise of Venice huh, gosh.
I've got so much factors to write, and I'm so ah-nnoyed.
Did I ever mention that I hate people screaming at me?
Let me tell you then, I hate people screaming\shouting at me.
I don't like it, I will scream back at you or slap your face.
So please, don't try screaming or shouting at me.
I seriously hate loud noises.

I think my blog's really boring, so no picturesss.
Ah yah, who cares.
I'm so lazyyyyyyyyyy, like zz.
Feel like sleeping now, tired x123853454343.
Facebook's loading really slowly.

Oh, I fell asleep during the chemistry spa 3 'test'.
& when I woke up Joanne said I kept jerking D:
Omo, am I too stressed?
Oh, and the teacher's kinda pretty, reminds me of some actress.
Can't remember who though.

Kay la, I've t be good and go do social studies.

P.s Get well soon Brenda! :D
P.P.s Happy Belated 15th Birthday Chng! :D

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Kay, I've the sudden urge to cut bangssssss.
Chemistry SPA 3 is such an arse, got t read and remember it by tomorrow D:
I should really start studying and stop being attracted t books.
Yeah kay, be a good kid and go study chemistry like now.
I really hate trainings y'know.
My eyes are like super dry shit, and my thighs are thunderous ):
I want 6 points for Oreossssss.
I want the B and C girls' titles back.
Oh, did I mention I really hate love the kc girls who kicked the gravel at our legs.
Arses, what's your stupid problem. (rolls eyes)
I'm pms-ing w/o the pms.
Oh, and I hate people who are discriminatory.
I wanna slap their facesssssssssss.

Temporary skin, I think.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Perth trip (delayed post)

Kayz, sorry for the super late post.
I'm a lazy kid you see.
I shall continue like some other time with the rest of the photos, cause it's driving me nuts loading the photos.
Want detailed recounts?
Go t Joanne and Hazel's blog la kay, I'm not going t elaborate about the trip.
Photo spamzzzzz.

(Photos not in order, it's super random)

Oh yeah, had SNOW on friday night.
It was good, really :D
Though I was busy chionging my damn work, but I could feel His presence :)
Like super whooooa, you get what I mean.
& I have a new eyecandy, and he's the bassist for LEW speedlight I think.
Like super eyecatching, like whoohoo omo.
He's not exactly cute la kayz, okay he's quite.
More of eyecatching, and he wears specs and braces and plus he's tall!
Wa chiozzzzz, and the next time I'll see him will most prolly be like at the next speedlight camp.
Oh, and I finally finished typing geography, and it's super chapalang.
It's 34 pages long, is it too much?
My printer ran low on ink, omm (oh my my).
I need a new skin, with lotsa sleep.
OH SHIT, I haven't finished A maths.
Kay, life suckzzzzzzzz.
Nicky, you owe me bbt.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Outbreak much?

How am I going t go Australia like that huhhhhh?
I know la, I got the bloody pimple cream which has colour one.
Wa shiokzzzz, then can cover up :D
Then again, my skin will be super duper dry, wl eh stupid pimples.
& I think I gained weight.
Holy baloney! How am I going t squeeze into my jeans?
Eh, my thighs are flabby wabby!
Kay, nevermind. Sunday I shall go pao bu, jian wo de fei.

Two more days t Australia trip everybodaye.
I'm super excited. (squeals)
& Mummy's going t bring me buy bag for my hand luggage t Aust.
& I must like pack finish my stuff.
Kewllllll, kay bye.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The two seminars were really boring, plus it was freezing cold in the auditorium.
Came home t watch e zuo ju e wen :D
It made me a happier kiddo, haaaaaaaaaah.

I don't want t go t school\training tomorrow.
I don't really want t go perth now.
I don't want t talk t people, cause I can't.
Btw, I think there's this huge stone wall in front of me of which I can't climb over.
Once bitten, twice shy.
& I don't need you t place me in a damn event just because I'm shitly upset. You don't need t do things just t please me, it makes me even more annoyed.
I don't need your sympathy okay? I don't want it, never.
Gosh, canoeing's wasting my life force away.
I wanna quit this goddamn cca.

Ah shit, E maths tomorrow plus geography on friday.
Shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt, haven't study D:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I'm such a liar, I'm not okay when I say I'm okay.

Could've told me earlier so I won't have t train like some fuck.
& suffer so much pain when it was all so unneccessary.
Tell me straight t my face that I paddle real slowly.
Plus I feel really betrayed, and the feeling's really really nice I tell you.
Helps you overcome your physical pain.

Oh whut the fuck shit.

Plus, it's not really the point of me taking with her or not.
It's a fact that I can't be bothered t explain t anyone.
& I don't think sorry works well for me.

& I'm so shibai!
I couldn't control my tears in front of people, I couldn't control my emotions :\
It's so embarrassing that people have t see how bloody fucked up I feel about this.
Dammit, I let 'em have the pleasure of seeing how fucked I am D:<
I hate it when people say "ultimately what's most important is the Nationals in July".
Don't be such a fucker please, omg fucked up shit manz.

& p.s I'm not sorry I shrugged anyone's hands anyway cause I'm so whutthefuckeroo pissed :D
Ooer, so like bite me?

Oh, and I really don't trust any of you anymore.
This is the second time you people screwed my life inside out.
Screw you arses.
I will never never never never never trust you all anymore.