
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm cool like that.

I feel proud of myself.

I climbed two normal gates (the ones with the metal rungs) and the gate in front of the dumpster to get out of school.
Yah, Alphonscus and I were like locked in. And I've a feeling I'll be doing a lot of climbing in the days and months and year to come.

Our mascot is like 30% done, and it's really bling bling. Thank God I'm not the one who's supposed to wear it, lollll.

I've no idea what t write for the overdue GP essay.
I swear my gums are eroding away.
I am eating dried apricots and I feel like puking now.
I bought two pairs of flats, awesome!

I hate being ignored if you haven't already realized, plus my facial composure doesn't really tell of what I'm feeling inside. I have really sharp urges to scream at people these few days, the desire to want to be involved is fading. I'm too tired to bother.
I loathe superficiality, and my hand itches to slap several faces. I'm perfectly capable of thinking, talking and especially getting angry. I'm NOT a freaking bimbo or someone who is always too tired, and thus is oblivious to such snubbery.
Gosh, don't underestimate me.

Basket, I give wrong impressions don't I?
Fuck bodoh, I'll show you who Connie is.

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