
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Oh look at the time, I'm still doing the graphic organizer for PW.

Okay, I've got to admit, I was busy looking at icons instead :\
I'm kind of fascinated with gifs, and I marvel at people who can edit icons and gifs till they look so brillant :D
Yes, unfortunately I'm a complete idiot when it comes t html, editing or what nots.

Oh gosh, it's kind of late for ranting but whatever.

I so don't like fan fictions D:
I find it quite disgusting and disturbing to a certain extent, no offence to anyone.
I was and am still browsing through livejournal committees that have icons and majority of them have fan fictions too.
Curious, I decided t read one about Hyunsaeng. (Hyun Joong and Young Saeng)
Sorry, I absolutely adore+ love Hyun Joong.
To my disgust and horror, the first line I saw was 'Cute Young Saeng puts his arms around Hyun Joong's neck'.
Oh yes, you can imagine me, someone who doesn't even watch kissing scenes in shows did.
I flushed red, got goosebumps and quickly backtracked t the main search page of livejournal.
& there was rating for the story: NC17.
& the content: Sexual and comedy.

What the.

Wow Connie, you have really poor eyesight.
It's just so wrong, don't you think?
I mean I can never imagine Hyun Joong and Young Saeng having such a risky relationship.
Oh gosh, it's promoting such wrong ideas.
I mean I love couples in boybands like Jongkey, HanChul, JaeHo etc. They're so innocently cute, not so provocative as such in what fans write.
Unfortunately, I believe their wild, unbridled fantasties should be tamed. I don't think the artists would even dream of progressing their 'couple' relationship to like second or third base right.

It's so .... wrong.

Ah well, my opininon anyway.
I guess it's all up to the people who are writing it, but it's still sick if you ask me.

I just had a thought.

Why put ball bearings in buildings in earthquake prone areas when you can just make the ball shaped buildings.

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