
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Friday, December 19, 2008



Okay people! You better get your butts out of the house and watch this awesome movie :D

Watched Twilight with Belle today, and it was out of this world.
For the first time I didn't close my eyes during the kissing scenes.
I'm goooooooooooood.

Anyway, they cut out a few parts though but it still has the original essence there.
I love Kristen Stewart's acting, she's really good and natural.
Oh, and I kinda like the part where James hunts her in her old ballet school room.
I like it when Edward rips off part of his throat, and when Alice dislocated his head with a twist.

Oh yeah baby!

A must watch, but don't have too high hopes for it because there're some parts missing.

Oh, and I gurantee you that you'll fall in love with Edward Cullen. He's like the perfect guy or something.

Rating: 4.5 stars

I abandoned my discs for a few days already.
Nine more episodesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, omg that's like super long k.

Wargh, tomorrow full shift again.
Wa piang, life sucks.

I hope more people comment on Jumpingnutz.

G'night people.


Basket, I hate it when R brushes across me or comes so close to me.
Omg, how many times must I repeat that I hate people touching me, especially when I'm not even friends with you.
Even more so when you're a bloody guy, omg.
Wa ass, I hope he gets transferred to another outlet man.


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