
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Feeling it.

Be forewarned, it's kinda like a spazzzzzz post?

Heck, hot + cute Korean guys totally brighten up a dreary day at school.

All right, I have never really liked Chang Sung of 2PM but this photoshoot picture is like hotness personified! He looks so much like a superduperduperduper hot model that came out from Vogue or something.

Nickhun is the ultimate cutie! Somehow he reminds me of baby Mason Moon.
I so wanna have a boyf like him, awwwww!

Jaebeom is so FIERCE and SEXY.
Hello wello jello six packs! :D I wanna have him as an older brother! Ah so cute nehhhhhhz.


And I so freaking love G-Dragon's new style. So fierce and vampire-ish manzzzzzzz. And he appeared on Nylon.

Omg, I totally love his shizzly fantastic and fabulous photos, awesome!

Now I so understand why Asyraf and Gary are so over the top when they see really nice photos in fashion magazines. It just oozes the charm of the clothes they are wearing, and in a way, baring who and what they are to the entire world.


I just had an epiphany today - Trying to please or even calejole(?) with someone who blatantly ignores you or like basically overlooks you after asking you a question, is the most useless thing to ever do. You would just waste life your life away waiting for them to notice you.

So moral of the story? Don't give a shizzle and ignore the person. You so don't have to get your self esteem and emotions in a toil because of someone who is clearly not worth your time and effort.

Am really tired.
I'm going to try to control my tongue and not spew so much vulgarities.

Dear God,
Please help me to be stay strong, and count on you 24/7 to bring me through the rough patches of JC life. I know that I don't have to care about others' acceptance or attentions cause You are forever there for me, and would never forsake me like Man would.


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