
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Everything can change.

Things are different now when I walk by
You start to sweat and you don't know why
It gets me nervous but it makes me calm
To see life all around me moving on

Hello, temporary skin?

Heck I don't know.

School has been getting on my nerves lately, where the urge of just dropping lessons to go home is increasing drastically.
I've been eating like fuck and I seriously feel like shizzle.

PT tomorrow, and I'm not really smiling.
I don't mind trainings but having to do suicides under the hot sun is so not fun.

I have to curb my vulgar tendencies. Am not being a good model of Christian faith :\

I just remembered that I have binomial revision questions and an econs case study to do.

On the bright side, I bought red earphones, four pairs of socks and a pair of white bluish pinkish shoes from Topshop.
I just realized this is my second time buying something from Topshop, pwnz everyone siol.

Anywayzzzzzzzz, am happy\glad\comforted that someone(s) understand me.

Am looking forward to doing the board with the Publicity I/Cs.
They're a fun and nice bunch of peep polezz hurrr.


Eh serious la, lollll.

Homework + running coming right up.

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