
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Friday, March 27, 2009


Omg, I'm like trying t cram Korean now which is like super difficult :\

Guess what? I passed my stinking geography and maths! Awesome, these are the only two subjects that I passed properly, lol :D

Oh, and my 사 랑 stops when I see Yi Jung or Ji Hoo.
Seriously, I think I am going mad D:

저 는 뜽 뜽 해 ):
어 떻 게?

I'm so proud of my broken korean, lol!
Hazel and I are going 맏 typing the korean words, 아 이 씨.

Mamamia, I want t continue watching but I have t finish studying for tomorrow :\
Ok, I shall be like 좋 아 요 and stop being so lazy.

So, 사 랑 해 어 and 안 녕 :D

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