
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Monday, July 14, 2008

1234, Hi 5.

K, quick post before my mum comes shouting at me.

Physics SPA is like over manz. (Sighs in relief)
We won the B div title!
K la, I know I'm being stupid repeating this over and over again, can't get over it.
I'm living in the Nationals' days, roflmao.
I'm lost with organic chemistry, like shit man.
Should've paid more attention during chemistry tuition, tsk.

Oh, and I don't get how t work my bloody Epson printer or whutever.
My mum's going t scream at me for not scanning her documents.
But hey, the stupid Epson thing doesn't even have a scanner, my other Canon printer then have scanner la whuttheheck.
(Glares at Epson printer and hopes that miraculously some scanner button will pop out)

Anyway, thankyou v much Brenda for your really nice card :D
Except the suck part about the cow's udders.
You're one sick kid, should wash your brain with dettol.
Roflmao, I'll miss you la kkkkkkk.

Great, would someone just help me get the Epson thing t scan?

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