
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My blog's getting boring ):

Tag to keep it alive pleaseeeee, it's so pathetic.

Anyway, today's of tampons, condoms and pregnancy kits.
Funny how all these are clumped together in order at Guardian and Watsons.

Operation Lose Weight by 14 November.

I feel like a zombie, teehee.
& yes, I sound chirpy argh. This is new to me, since throughout the year I've been such a douche bag with snappy moodswings.


I don't like the smell of my room in the morning. Apparently it stinks of the urine smell cause my maid puts some weird lotion and perspires in the night, and the next morning, tadaaaaah! Urine smelling room.


Okay, sleep sleep.
Good night darlings :D

Oh and btw, am gonna name my son Kim Hayden.

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