
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My eye is like screwed or something ):
That means I have t wear specs for awhile :\ Hello aunty-ness.

Apparently my nose and eye system is haywired. When my eyes tear, my nose leaks, when my nose leaks, my eyes tear. It's a super painful, it hurts so badly x123456789 that I just wanna close my eyes and cry.


House comm rally today and I wanted t kill myself.
I was 1) very nervous, 2) so unprepared.
I wanted to badly to cry after I said my speech cause I sounded so freaking dumb.
I'm so sorry if I seem like a milksop to you and no, I'm so not a milksop thankyou.

You know, faith the size of a mustard seed does miracles.
And thank God I got through the first round. I feel so undeserving for His blessing cause I doubted for several fleeting moments about Him helping me through after I prayed.

Tomorrow's the interview, wish me luck :)

OH. I've aimed to get at least an E for this coming econs test.
Study study study, whoohoo baby.

Dear Hazel,

Win and treat me k!

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