
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


All right.

I'm tad annoyed with what my primary school is turning into.
Primary school children are cussing like there's no tomorrow, even worse than us secondary school students.
Moreover, they can proudly brandish the fact that they're Hildans on their blogs so openly.

Sad to say, I'm embarrassed to be a Hildan once.
The fact that the children actually flame each other's blogs and scold each other nasty names that you and I would never ever thought would be a combination.

They're so materialistic, so really annoying.
I don't recall primary school days being so hateful, obnoxious or whatever.

Someone should seriously teach these primary school students proper manners, and perhaps at the same time use dettol to wash their mouths. This is so that their dirty mouths would at least be cleaner than before.

Seriously, I don't know what they learn in school nowadays.

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