
I've changed, and I'm only human. I'll sit here with coffee from Starbucks whilst you blunder your way through reality.


Sunday, March 30, 2008


Dear friends,
I'm so sorry that you all have t suffer and listen t me rant\get snapped at by me\me being so mean and rude t you all, when I'm angry.

A thousand apologies, really.

I'm so sorry you all have t tahan this kind of crap from me when I'm angry.
Really sorry, I know I've a really shit short temper, and please whenever I snap at you all or what, just ignore me cause I'm just being an asshole.

I really apologise if I've said anything mean\hurting t you, I really don't mean it.
I know it's a lousy excuse that I'm angry, but so sorry :\
So really thankyou for being my friends cause you all are always there for me no matter what, thankyou :)


Congratulations t all the winners for Njcc, cause you all are really fast, you all deserve it la huh.
Hahaha :D
Super pro people, I envy you all.
Anyway, I need anger management.
I hate it that I get angry so easily and take it out on people, so please ignore me when I'm angry I'm just being a bitch.


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